The Dream Girl

March 7, 2011

The Dream Girl is a strong, secure, confident woman who knows exactly who she is and exactly what she wants.  The Dream Girl has taken time out of her life to spend some much needed quality time with herself, and the Lord. The Dream Girl has taken on the task of getting to know her better.  Although scary at first, she looks within to discover areas in her life that need to be fine-tuned, pruned and re-shaped.

You see, the Dream Girl wants to be a better woman, because she’s aware that as she focuses on herself, and becomes a whole woman, she will begin to attract the same whole man. That’s right! There is a process to being found by the man that has been set aside for you. It starts with YOU!  There are times when you are looking and focused so hard on where “he” is that you forget that it’s you that must clean up your act first in order to be ready for this man to enter your life

Sometimes you may wrestle with yourself and with God, trying to move ahead of him and his timing for your imminent destiny.  There is much work to be done to be a whole woman.  Today, begin embracing this magnificent process.  The time you have alone, and patiently wait to be found, it’s a time where you can begin to grow from the inside out. As you yield to the will of the Lord for your life, he will begin working on your character, emotions, spirituality, and your esteem.  Through growth, wisdom and being okay in your own skin, your heart is being prepared for the man who is on his way to you. This process has a purpose. The purpose is to make you more self-assured and positive of the amazing woman you are. 

Now you are ready! When the Lord presents your partner to you, you will be able to maintain who you are throughout your relationship with a man. You won’t lose your friends; you won’t give up your career or your hobbies. You will in fact, keep your edge, and have an enormous amount of self-respect. Due to this increased self-worth that exudes from you, your partner will notice these qualities about you and be drawn to you even more. Remember Dream Girl, The person who is least dependent on the outcome of the relationship will automatically draw the other person in.

Once you believe that you are an amazing woman and a phenomenal catch, the man that has been set aside for you will believe that same sentiment. Take another look within, you are being transformed into a Dream Girl.