Commitment is key in relationships

October 7, 2010

Consider for a moment the bond between two people. Think of this, if you put two magnets together, by natural force of gravity there is no way that you can keep them apart. The same sentiment applies to relationships. The binding force in a relationship is commitment.

Commitment is one of the key components in a relationship. In every relationship the waves of ups and downs will come, complacency may set in but it’s the “I’m going to be here no matter what” attitude that will keep the relationship thriving. The extreme dedication and devotion to your partner is what’s necessary to create stability for him/her. When your partner can depend on you being there, they will relax and not be shaken when concerns or differences arise in the relationship because they can rest easy on your commitment to them.

As you create a strong foundation of commitment in your relationship, you will reap the endless benefits. Let’s explore a few of the benefits you will experience by making commitment your number one priority. 1) Companionship: We are all social beings and are comforted by closeness. You will be happier and healthier in your relationship. 2) Community: Extended family, friends, neighbors, churches, and other forms of supportive relationships thrive on the stability of committed relationships. 3) Intimacy: Emotional closeness, love, trust, and mutual support, builds and improves over time in a committed relationship, therefore it is more difficult to achieve outside of a committed relationship. These benefits will undoubtedly knock down any walls of insecurity that may have tried to take shape in the relationship.

Though it takes energy and concerted effort on your part to be involved in a relationship, don’t work against gravity! Decide to take it a step further and ensure your partner is aware of your unwavering commitment to them. Remind them often that you’re in the relationship for the long haul, and they can count on you being around. Not only will your partner be content and secure but it will fill you up in ways you may have never imagined.

Relationship Talk:

What can you and your partner do today to express your commitment to one another? Together, come up with new ways to positively highlight your commitment.