
Ursula Evans is a Certified Professional Life Coach specializing in Relationships, CEO of SEE YOURSELF, Freelance Writer, Mentor, Inspirational Speaker, and Published Co-Author of ‘Victorious Living for Moms: A Letter to a Mother’s Heart” and Partner with the STEP program at Central Florida Institute.  Ursula has an immeasurable passion for people and her purpose is to inspire and empower people to be the best they can be by encouraging and motivating them into their destiny.  She has overcome tremendous personal adversity which enables her to inspire and positively shape the lives of others. Her freedom and liberty from these adversities came through her positive outlook, spiritual foundation, transparency, accountability partners, and taking an honest look within herself.  She is a member of National Women on the Rise, National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs (NACWE), Member of Osceola Toastmasters Club, a dedicated volunteer for Dimples Foundation for Teen Girls, Inc. and an Advocate for Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence. She is a woman who enjoys life and likes to have fun. She’s a humanitarian at heart and is much fulfilled giving to others and lending a helping hand. She loves God, and has a very deep and intimate relationship with him. Nothing pleases her heart more than to tell everyone she meets about him! She makes a conscious effort to be positive and optimistic at all times. It is very hard to knock her down, because she always believes that no matter what and somehow, things do get better.

 Ursula Evans is a proud Mother of two beautiful girls. Kyia age 15 and Jazmyn age 11.

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