Dealing with Rejection in Relationships

Many people feel really bad when they experience rejection in a job, a relationship or anywhere else.

The main reason some people feel bad when someone rejects them is that they don’t know how to deal with rejection the right way. Ever wondered why can two different people experience the same rejection yet one of them feels bad about it and the other moves on?

It’s because one of them dealt with the rejection properly while the other didn’t. I’m going to tell you about the right way to deal with rejection so that you don’t feel that bad when someone rejects you.

How to deal with rejection in a relationship, a job or in life

This is why rejections hurt:

Rejections and not being sure of yourself: if somebody applied for a job and was rejected then one of the reasons that could be making him feel bad is not being sure whether his skills are good or not. The same thing happens in rejections that happen in relationships, after being rejected in a relationship the person feels bad because of many reasons and usually one of them is having self -doubt.

Dealing with rejection in relationships

I always get e- mails from people asking me how to deal with rejection from a guy or how to deal with rejection from women. Based on these facts I came up with few steps that can help you get over rejections in relationships.

The first thing you must do to deal with a relationship rejection is to make sure that your self -esteem and your emotional wounds were not the reason behind your bad feelings. If you found the problem with them then you must work on improving your self- esteem.

Develop and maintain boundaries to deal with rejection in a relationship. Boundaries are the emotional and psychological strictures needed to support and maintain proper mature, adult relationships. Boundaries and strictures refer to the state of being grown up and mature.

Communicate to deal with rejection in a relationship. Talk to the significant other in the relationship to work out the challenges and problems (if they can be worked out) related to the rejection. Talk with friends, coworkers and others that you trust. It helps to talk about challenges, especially rejection

Dealing with rejection in a job

Whether you are trying to find a job or whether you are a sales woman who is experiencing rejection you must understand the following fact:

Rejection is a must:  No successful person has ever become successful before facing numerous rejections in his job, career or business. In order to deal with rejection in your job or business read about the life stories of successful people. Each rejection you get might be a signal that you need to change something about your approach. If each time you got rejected you learned a lesson you will soon become very successful.

Final words about dealing with rejection

As you see there are many reasons that could make rejection hurt, and the key to getting over rejection faster is to get a better self -understanding so that you know how to target the right cause.

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