Live with an Open Heart by Guest Blog Writer, Sandy Myers CPC

  I met my husband right before I turned 30 years old. The journey to find love took  a LONG time, but well worth the wait. I had a lot of fear and trust issues due to the pain of unresolved issues from the past. My mind was toxic and I felt stuck in a rut in the relationship department. Why was I single? Singleness is not a curse, by any means, but I longed for companionship. Why could I not believe love would find me? These painful areas of my life caused me to be narrow minded, blinded and jaded. My mentality leaked out into my attitude. It came out during “attempted” relationships and I quickly realized that these areas needed to be resolved. I looked for a relationship with the best intentions, in hopes of newness and romance, but my heart was closed. The key to my answer came in mastering the art of loving myself. I am not referring to prideful self-absorption, but a celebration of my worth and value, freedom from my past, and breaking away from a negative false sense of identity.

The past does not dictate your future. Past hurt or failed relationships do not have to be stumbling blocks. These “failures” or “disappointments” are simply avenues to healing and personal wholeness. There are certain seasons designed for introspection and personal encouragement. Your life at some point will demand you to opt out of living with a closed heart. Thriving is all about blooming and opening your heart to an exceptional life. I love the truth behind this quote: “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” – Anaïs Nin. Is it your season to ”Open Your Heart”?

Before the right person came into my life, I had to get things right within me. Insecurity often robbed me of opportunities to build healthy relationships with the opposite sex. No one would know how to show me love until I discovered my strengths and was open to the love I deserved. I read a FABULOUS book that changed my life back in 2007 entitled, “The Path”, by Laurie Beth Jones. This book helped me to embrace the mission of my life. The activities in the book allowed me to write about my character, along with qualities of my ideal relationship. This valuable reading taught me how to tap into faith and visualize the life God wanted for me. I wrote in a journal for days, and I got specific about the state of my heart. I dismissed the lies I embraced from my past, and my faith helped me to believe for more.

Six weeks later, by a miracle of God, I met Chad, and a year later I was married. There is no magic formula to marriage. I am not implying one. The principle I want to highlight is to open your heart to personal wholeness and let go of the past. Open your heart to faith, and allow God to show you His best intent for you.

Thriving Thought Awareness:

  1. What is the current state of your heart? Is it open or closed?
  2. Are you willing to invest a period of your time this year to do a heart inventory?  What are the roadblocks to believing for God’s best in your life?
  3. What are the beautiful qualities about you? Please take time to brag about your strengths?
  4. Do you have any negative views about the opposite sex? Those issues must also be resolved in order to live with an open heart.


Ecclesiates 3:11 ( NLT) “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart…”

Sandy Myers, CPC is a Certified Professional Coach, Speaker,  and founder of Thrive Now Coaching. She specializes in helping women  align their lives to their purpose, promote self-awareness,  and gain  personal fulfillment in their current roles of influence.

She brings over 10 years of work experience in the areas of sales, counseling, coaching, and non-profit organization. Sandy is active leader at her church in Kissimmee, FL, and enjoys teaching and motivating people. She posts weekly articles and podcasts on her website,  Contact Sandy via her website for a FREE 30 min coaching consult.

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