15 Funny Facts about Love

Love is a many-splendored thing … and a very surprising thing, too. Here are15 funny little facts about love that I found interesting. Read them, scratch your head over them, and share them with someone you fancy.

1. Men who kiss their wives in the morning live five years longer than those who don’t.

2. People are more likely to tilt their heads to the right when kissing instead of the left (65 percent of people go to the right!)

3. Two-thirds of people report that they fall in love with someone they’ve known for some time vs. someone that they just met.

4. There’s a reason why office romances occur: The single biggest predictor of love is proximity.

5. Falling in love can induce a calming effect on the body and mind and raises levels of nerve growth factor for about a year, which helps to restore the nervous system and improves the lover’s memory.

6. Love can also exert the same stress on your body as deep fear. You see the same physiological responses — pupil dilation, sweaty palms, and increased heart rate.

7. Brain scans show that people who view photos of a beloved experience an activation of the caudate — the part of the brain involving cravings.

8. Eleven percent of women have gone online and done research on a person they were dating or were about to meet, versus seven percent of men.

9. Couples’ personalities converge over time to make partners more and more similar.

10. The tradition of the diamond engagement ring comes from Archduke Maximillian of Austria who, in the 15th century, gave a diamond ring to his fiancée, Mary of Burgundy.

11. Forty-three percent of women prefer their partners never sign “love” to a card unless they are ready for commitment.

12. People who are newly in love produce decreased levels of the hormone serotonin — as low as levels seen in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Perhaps that’s why it’s so easy to feel obsessed when you’re smitten.

13. According to mathematical theory, we should date a dozen people before choosing a long-term partner; that provides the best chance that you’ll make a love match.

14. Familiarity breeds comfort and closeness … and romance.

15. OK, this one may not surprise you, but I had to share it: Having a romantic relationship makes both genders happier. The stronger the commitment, the greater the happiness!

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